
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Innovation Overdrive

What exactly innovation is ?

  • Innovation isn't rocket science. It's an obsession with understanding or creating what makes consumers happy, what delights them, which problems they face, and then creating something that delivers to those needs.

  • Innovation is not necessarily about serious people in white coats puttering about in R&D labs. In an experience economy (which we’re still in, like it or not), marketing innovations rule.

In today's world, MONEY = ACCESSIBILITY * TIME

Some of the ideas around Telecommunication primarily for GSM, which has been contemplated by me are:

  • Call to multiple individuals/parties : Sanjay is in jiffy and don't know which of his pals are busy, but he wants to talk to one of them. He dials a special code (ofcourse a new service provided by CSM) his call gets forked to multiple calls (to all of his friends) and as soon as the first one picks up, the rest of the calls die automatically.

  • Usage besides the aforementioned: Calling Police (several of the nearest stations will be called)

  • Ex-Girlfriend: You must have experienced it, bank employees calling you time and again, at the worst hours of the day when you have loads of work. An application developed which will, upon ur feedback, shall hangup those callers. You don't have to get irked now.

  • Usage besides the aforementioned: Your ex-girlsfriend would never be able to irate you. Making your life a lot simpler.

  • Predictive presence via SIM Card: On the basis of the past call history, predict the availability schedule of a caller for a particular call by callee. This would be somewhat like idle/non-idle status on Yahoo Messenger or red-orange-green color on GTalk, predicting the future availabilty based on the past behaviour.

  • Usage besides the aforementioned: Cool application for corporate CEOs, there is scope for a number of additions besides thiEncyclopedia for Mobile phone users to make it a must avail service.

  • Encyclopedia for Mobile phone users: The website will be a collection of Knowledge clips (GIF animations and audio descriptions ), the mobile website must be very fast & very easily accessible.

  • Revenue model : Advertising :- Clippings for books, new movies, restaurants.

1 comment:

deera said...
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